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Saint Patrick's day word search

How many green things can you find in this word search? #green #wordsearch #stpatricksday #saintpatricksday #holiday Play more holiday word searches

President's day word search

How's many names (first, middle, or last) of President's of the United States can you find in this word search?

Word Search for Groundhog Day

Here's a #wordsearch for #grounghogday

A.I. Memory Matching Card Game

Memory (also known as Match Match, Match Up, Concentration, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso or Pairs) is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down with two cards being flipped face up over each turn. The object of the game is to turn over as many matching pairs as possible. Play with up to 6 players: alone or with friends and/or against the computer A.I. Choose the players for this game and the number of cards you will use. Players choose two cards, trying to match the pictures on the other side. If the pictures match then they are given a point and continue playing until the two cards they pick do not match. Get it for Android

Patchwork Tile Puzzle

Patchwork Puzzle is a tile puzzle similar to a jigsaw puzzle but with square pieces.  A picture is broken into squares that are then jumbled. Select two squares to switch their positions.  Continue until the puzzle is solved. Points are scored for the number of pieces moved to their correct position. Puzzles with more pieces are easier but you cannot score as many points. Scoring:     No pieces in correct location: -1 points     One piece in correct location: 2 points     Two pieces in correct location: 8 points Install for free